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Garza Guerrera/Warrior Heron: Healing before the Hinde #8


Valyears face lit up while his lips exclaimed, 'I do! I do want to be healed!'

'You must then surrender, surrender yourself Valyear to the Kings of Kings and healing will come upon you.' Garza locked his gaze with announcing the commitment necessary in receiving such a prestigious gift.

'How am I not surrendering already? I listened to the dream, I picked your bald caboose up and trusted that a mountain of a horse could make the trip across this great sea.' Valyear emphasized pointing at Kiera then proceeding to outstretch his arms in relation to the body of water they were floating on.

Kiera huffed at his exaggerated weight comment, ruffling her head and mane to allow the heaviness of his careless spits to roll off her.

With in the trance of the cool breeze Holy Spirit summoned the lips of Garza to speak unfiltered truth, 'The burdens you spoke of my friend, you must surrender those as well.'

Rivers of liquid began to climb out the windows of his charismatic home, 'Well blimey f*ck!' He added a bite size of laugher to off set his sorrow, 'She hurt me, she hurt me so badly. How can I just let that go? She should pay for the damage she's caused inside me!'

'I am storing up these things, sealing them away within my treasury. I will take vengeance; I will repay those who deserve it. In due time their feet will slip. Their day of disaster will arrive, and their destiny will overtake them.'-Deuteronomy 32:34-35

'The debt has been paid in full by our Sky Father, if we let the weight of another cling to our flesh we only become off balanced and incapable of being fully grounded in our rooting. Our alignment to creation and our creator is compromised due to lack of forgiveness, is that worth holding onto?' Garza preached.

Holding his head in his hands Valyear pondered the consequence of his current actions in affect to his physical wellbeing. Lightly he slipped out, 'No, it's really not. I don't wish to hold onto the troubles of my past any longer.'

'Then let them float away now,' Garza encouraged.

Placing a hand on his back he began to rise a little, opening his chest to the sun. With this open posture Garza placed her other hand on his heart and began to pray;

Dear Sky Father,

Take the heaviness off of your son.

You have witnessed the fragments of his shattered being and we invite you to make a new the masterpiece you've envisioned for him.

To you we give our hurting parts and with faith we let go of our inclination to control what we cannot fully understand.

Forgive us Father for our lack of trust in your ability and thank you for you endless healing touch in our lives.


'Amen.' Valyear echoed in concurrence.

Wiping the wetness off his face followed with a passionate slap on each cheek, 'Now that the emotional jargon is dealt with... thank the Lord. To the HINDE!' A grin trickled up the corner of his ginger framed kisser.

The trio let out howl of salute. As the excitement began to subside a sense of peace arose, Garza and Kiera languished to a snooze while Valyears anticipation frolicked between his ears, alluring his gaze to catch the Nootka shore ahead.

Finally arriving at the coastline grounds just as dawn approached them, the vibrations from Nootkas rock fencing shook along the wood of the raft bringing Garzas orbs to unlock from her slumber. Valyear hovered over Garza with an obnoxious smirk,

'I can clearly hear you haven't let off sawing logs during your deep sleeps.' laughing frankly until the liquid returned to his eyes.

Heat circulated Garzas brain case bringing her cheeks to change colours. Embarrassed yet lifted by Valyears light heartedness she covered her lips with her fingers and let out a sheepish giggle.

Valyear announced; 'It should take us a long days travel to reach the parks of Strathcona then from there three days hiking to mount the Hinde. No time to waste! Adventure awaits our presence.'

Unloading the ship and filling Kiera with the offerings gifted to them from Princetons village they all turned in unison respecting the maritime crossed to observe the magnificence symbolizing a new day. Optimistic orange shades filled the canvas of the sky pressing them to continue ahead towards the blessings Golden was sure to hold.

Reality: Andrew and I starting our climb to Golden Hinde summit.

Step by step they travelled as the ginger guide filled the roads silence with tales of past quests, recent failures, future questions and endless gibberish until the day turned to night. Stars brightened against the turning sheet of black, boosting the reflected glow of the moon. Just as hope curved into suffering a sign revealed 'Golden Hinde' caused them to collapse in gratitude.

Watching Valyear set up camp was nothing short of its own evening miracle, wood, fire, resting area and grub. Surely he was placed in divine timing to facilitate the rigorous climb tomorrow promised. Garza even in a mist of exhaustion delighted at the luring destination they were adamantly approaching. Loops of her vision kept circulating her cranium, was she going to see the Sky Father, was she approaching the gates of heaven, what insight would she be given after conquering such a dangerous feat? Each new thought jostled her mind for precedence. Just as the thickness of Garzas mental battle reached its trenches Valyears voice murmured shakily;

'What am I doing? What are we doing?' Valyears paranoia began to snowball, 'How is Kiera going to climb such a challenging mountain range? There's no way my knee is going to make the trip there and back.' Sweat rolled off his brow as the stress proceeded to crush his spirit.

Wind suddenly turned to influenced the bonfires command, enchanting Garza to fixate on the flames. Heat from the fire entrenched a burning in Garzas heart dispersing through her bones possessing her arms and fingers to broaden her wing span. Her feet left the ground while she rose above the camp incapable of holding her tongue she spoke clearly with conviction;

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” -Isaiah 41:10

Gently returning to the log she'd been seated on Garzas smile widened, adding to the dialog with a gentle snicker; 'Yeah what he said!'

Valyears eyes locked on Garza displaying a revelation being processed within himself, 'Well that can't be unseen, felt or heard now can it.' Eyes boggled and mouth catching mosquitoes Valyear brought his hand to his face in attempt to wipe off his current expression.

Silence filled the atmosphere letting the music of natures course come forth, crackles from the blazing timber, whispering from the swaying trees and chirps from the infantry of crickets. These subtle sounds brought each voyager to bed down one by one.


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